Strawberry Chiffon Cake


Airy chiffon cake with strawberry compote gelee and vanilla bean mousse

Ingredients: Eggs, sugar, grapeseed oil, cake flour, cornstarch, strawberry, lemon juice, fish gelatin, vanilla bean paste, heavy cream, white chocolate, glucose, NH pectin, liquid color (red coloring, yellow, green)

About 6” sized cake,  serves roughly 6-8 guests.

Want to add a special message or candle? Select the “Special Occasion Plaque” or “Special Occasion Candle” option below.

Pickup Date * 

Pickup Time * 


Your items will be available for pick-up only on the specified date; it will not be kept for a pickup on a later date. Items must be ordered at least 2 days before date/time of pick up. If you need your items sooner, please try calling the store at 702.731.7865 as orders can sometimes be processed faster pending availability. The first hour of parking at Caesars Palace is free. Please park in general parking, go to the pickup counter at Dominique Ansel Las Vegas for assistance.


We recommend cakes to be kept refrigerated and consumed within 2 days from date of pickup.